CKAD Practice Questions

Verdict from this Practice

Work on the following -

  1. Multi Container Pods
  2. Volumes
  3. Lesser known concepts such as rollout, network policy, hpa etc.
  4. Using commands and arguements
  5. Checking resource usages and ranking them

Module 1: Core-Concepts

Question 4

Get the list of all services across all namespaces and write the output to /root/all-services.txt file.

kubectl get svc -A > path.txt

-A is short for all the namespaces

Question 6

Generate a pod manifest file at /root/mypodx.yaml. Pod name should be mypodx with image redis. Make sure you only generate the pod manifest file, you do not have to crete the pod.

k run mypodx --image=redis --restart=Never --dry-run=client  -o yaml > /root/mypodx.yaml

Module 2: Configuration

Question 5

Creating configmap and secrets and then using them inside a pod.